smooth particles trail


i am creating a particle system using a particle SOP and create trails using a feedback CHOP.
In lower resolutions, it seems ok and trails look quite smooth.
In higher resolution, i get dashed trails. I can’t make it smooth like i want to.

Any idea what the problem could be ?

thanks a lot

Feedback is about the distance traveled per particle per frame. The trick here would be to slow down the motion so that your geometry hasn’t traveled as far and can produce continuity in your feedback.

Take a look here to see a better example of how that shakes out:
base_feedback.tox (646 Bytes)

These are set up the in same way, the only difference being the rate at which the circle moves - the opacity in the level is also different to better see the issue preset.

yeah ! thanks a lot !

i knew this was something dealing with timing…
so i can’t make it to work with the actual speed right ? slowing down the animation is the only way to go ?

I also tried to play with the Trail SOP to see what results i could get… well i don’t really understand how this one works… !

There are ways you could potentially handle this with a GLSL material if you want to create actual trails of geometry rather than dealing in screen space, though those are a bit more work to set up, and require storing your positions as textures - as well as handling the movement likely in a GLSL TOP.

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Well i’ll stick with feedback for now !
I am willing to enter the GLSL world in the future though

thanks a lot for your answers

hi Matthew, would you eventually have a tutorial, ressources or a example tox?

i d love to geek more into Particles and Glsl. already wxperimenting a bit.
