a Select DAT with grey'd-out DAT field

I’m working with someone else’s network and
I’m trying to understand why the first line of a Select DAT (the “DAT” parameter) is blank and grey’d out.
Can someone tell me what puts it in this state? and because the Dat field is empty, I cannot tell from where this select dat is getting it’s information. How does one figure out where data is coming from in a case like this? and why is this information hidden?

thanks for any help.


This happens when something is connected to the input of the Select DAT. It means it’s getting it’s data from it’s input. Is this whats happening?

thanks malcom.
but, no…there is no visible line coming into the select dat – not a solid one, not a dotted one (and the dotted ones are turned on). and i can’t find anything illuminating in the parameters. but it is definitely getting a table from somewhere…
how can i find out where it’s getting it’s data from? btw, i run into this type of thing all the time and it’s keeping me from getting my work done. i think there is some bit of information i am missing, and maybe you are about to clue me in! i hope! :slight_smile:
thanks in advance for your information nuggets,

Sounds like a bug, is it possible for you to send me the file?

yes. how do i do that? can i attach it to an email?
if so, what’s your address?

You can send it to, malcolm@derivativeinc.com, or I think also have access to your svn (if you want to email me the location).

Hey, ya this is a bug. This node is connected to the DAT named Settings that up one level (FIELD/Settings). Not sure how this happened exactly, cross COMP connections are only legal when In/Out OPs are involved. I’ll try to figure out how it happened.

Likely you want this node connected to the SettingsOut node that is next to.

You can use the opwire -s FieldText command to figure this out in the future, it’ll tell you the location of the nodes OPs are wired to.

wow. thanks Malcom!