Blending Modes Component

In celebration of being able to post on the boards I decided to make something :slight_smile:

Its a component offering more blending modes. There is some overlap with the Composite TOP and other Touch Operators, tho there is new stuff too. Negate, Luma Mix and Subtractive (amongst others) are pretty nice!

Note: See the blendModes component in the Palette of 088 build 50000 or later.

Pick it apart, or if its any good maybe just roll the remaining ones with the Composite TOP. If thats possible.

Some of the code seemed a bit suspicious, so I changed some things. I hope for the better, but I’m sure I wrangled something or maybe many things. ‘Dodge’ is for sure not working right… I’ll see if I can fix that. I ‘corrected’ some Modes by adjusting Alpha levels, so that might be a large mistake. Also need to double check the Modes I’m unfamiliar with, like Freeze and Heat. I think those are Adobe Fireworks/Flash Modes? need to see some examples to see if they are rendering correctly. They look pretty cool now, so maybe if they are wrong they can be something else.

TUIK is pretty sweet. Fast and simple, HUGE improvement. I did notice some inconsistencies in the behavior of the Horizontal Sliders. Sometimes I couldn’t pick and move the slider, other times I couldn’t click in the bar and get an updated value. At first I thought it was just because the playbar was stopped, but then later I had intermittent issues as well. Anyone else finding this?

Anyway, just a small project to help learn TUIK and figure out how to import and build GLSL TOPs.

Very nice collection of Shaders.

Concerning the slider problem - yes - I have the same thing sometimes and found that these come from scripts apparently not cooking since just entering the network of the slider will make it work.


Fixed the TUIK related errors.


Updated Blending Modes

All the blending modes now conform precisely to blending modes from Photoshop/After Effects/Fireworks.

I streamlined the interface a bit. There is only one Slider for the ‘Amount’ of the blend, 0=off and 1=on. Easy to add back individual color channel controls if you want.

I eliminated all the Alpha and Luma blends. Alpha is still supported for remaining modes.

Code is now a lot simpler, so poke around and change values to create new modes. The last two, Y Film and Z Film are two examples of tweaking/breaking the other modes.

Thx Markus for getting this set with new TUIK!

Note: See the blendModes component in the Palette of 088 build 50000 or later.
blending_modes_new.tox (22 KB)

This is great, thanks for posting!

One question about Blending Modes in the Adobe tools. Where do the modes that use alpha come in, like over, inside, outside, … seems like all these blending modes don’t use alpha…

ahhh. Thanks Greg for pointing this out. I realized that I left the output comped over a solid, so any images with alpha were nullified. This is fixed in the version here.

Its strange because the only two Blending Modes left in AE/PS/FW that explicitly mention Alpha are After Effects Stencil Alpha and Silhouette Alpha. Neither Inside nor Outside modes exist in any of these products (Im using version CS4). It used to be different in previous versions, tho for some reason Adobe choose to remove many Blending Modes with Alpha.

Functionality-wise everything is set now. You can use any blending mode and alpha is passed along the chain.

Not sure how to show alpha in the Viewer Panel (always comped over a solid, is there a way to alter this?), tho the output looks fine.

Thanks again for mentioning this,

Note: See the blendModes component in the Palette of 088 build 50000 or later.
blending_modes_with_alpha.tox (22.1 KB)

Hey Jeffers,

seems the drop-down list is very pixellated in current Touch version,
do you experience the same?

Best, Rob

Which build are you using Rob?

Current experimental build 6064… Thanks!

Hello Rob,

I just confirmed this is a bug with that experimental build 6064. It already been fixed in newer builds, so the next experimental that’s posted will fix that.

Update to the Blending Modes Component

I updated to try and get parity with new Photoshop/Adobe CS5 Suite. Only missing modes now are ‘Darker Color’ and ‘Divide’.

Change Log

  • New Interface - removed Amount controls and consolidated UI
  • Fixed issues with Alpha Channels. NOW finally everything is working properly on images w/ Alpha.
  • Added ‘Color’, ‘Hue’, ‘Luminance’, ‘Saturation’, ‘Hard Mix’, ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Pin Light’
  • Fixed ‘Vivid Light’
  • changed GLSL code to be ATI friendly


Color and Subtractive are incorrect.

blending_modes_v2.tox (19.9 KB)

thanks for this!

Hey rs3dtouch
i also get the pixilated drop down menu.
Did you find a solution.

Also can some show me a screen shot of how to do a basic after fx style overlay
with the this blending mode Component.
Maybe i,m missing something. But i dont seem to be getting it work properly .

I,m trying to recreate these videos with touch designer so there interactive.

In after fx i,ve used three layers of the colored circles over the paper,
one multiply one overlay and one multiply with different amounts of blur to get the look like the colors leaking into the paper.

its hard the read the drop down menu because the the words are so pixelated.

HI Dara, can you put a link to the video or something so we can all see what you are trying to achieve? then it’s easier to suggest how it might be done in Touch.


Heres the videos

There all the same type of look its paper with basic color shapes over them.
I just seem to be haveing trouble blending things as i do in after fx.
i,ve tried the blend comp from the tools section but it does not appear to be working as i would expect.
I am only a week into learning touch designer so i,m probably doing something silly.

Thanks Dara

HI Dara,

Here is a simple project blending three circles together.

I thought the drop down text was fixed … did you download the last version, ‘blending_modes_v2’?

Post if you still have the dropdown issues… Maybe I need to rebuild it again.

circleproject.3.toe (39.2 KB)

Thanks Dara,

Reminded me to make updates to the Component. Almost at 50 Blend Modes :slight_smile:

Change Log:


Darker Color
Inverse Difference
Lighter Color
Silhouette Alpha
Silhoutette Luma
Soft Burn
Soft Dodge
X Film

Fixed Aspect Ratio on Blend Layers

To Do:
Add Stencil Alpha and Stencil Luma
Will change Interface when TUIK3

Post any requests/comments/changes.

blending_modes_v3.tox (17.4 KB)

Really amazing component Jeffers! I hadn’t seen the “Phoenix” and “Reflect” modes before either, I found them very interesting. Great list of new additions as well, the “Silhouette” modes are awesome, simple but useful!