Shared Memory COMP for multi-processing

If you could share containers between two touch instances, like the way you can share textures with spout, building multi-process projects would be much simpler.

How difficult would it be to stream the container as a texture between two touch instances, and then also stream mouse data for panelCHOPs? It seems like derivative has built most of legwork for this already.

Let me know what you think!?

I don’t know if I’m totally clear on what you’re proposing.

I frequently use touchin / outs for DATs, CHOPs, and SOPs to get this same effect - is there something that using these OPs isn’t able to achieve that you’re thinking about?

Ragan, I’m requesting a less hacked version of exactly what you described.

A Shared Memory COMP with this request should allow the ins/out CHOPs, TOPs, and DATs to be easily accessible between instances. A SharedMemoryIn COMP would be a container you can place in your GUI. You can drop a bunch of SharedMemoryIn COMPs to make your entire program. Other instances of touch will have SharedMemory Out COMPs that get panelCHOP data from the main instance, process data through normal TD means, then send all outputs back in to sharedMemory.

As many techniques, this might be more easily explained by building a network itself… lol

Alternatively… what does the ShareMemIn/Out COMP actually do?

Update: Lo and behold, there’s a tox for this already of course! remotePanel in the Palette does many of these features already. Awesome!!

It shares the world transform of the 3D Object COMP that is connected to its COMP input (the top input for transform hierarchy)