RESOLVED:cant produce 16bit fixed image cpu memory top

Cant produce 16bit fixed image cpu memory top | 17550 build

as it seem
I define as 16 bit fixed mono.
I allocate it right ,
I copy the data as bytes array represent each two bytes is short value.

it show image - but.

at the end each pixel value clamp to 8 bit as it seem .

I can try iterate thru all elements and copy it to new 32bit array…
but not sure thats how you meant it to work for 16bit fixed case…


Update :
I have done the manual iteration and it seem to get good results

DecodeIR((uint8_t*)imageIn, myExecuteCount, m_intPCLBuff, decoderImageOut);

for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 1280 * 1024 ; i++) 

	imageOut[i] = ((unsigned short*)decoderImageOut)[i];


You are sending up 8-bit data → RG8Fixed. That is why. We currently don’t have a way to send up 16-bit fixed data, although I’ll add that to my todo

thanks malcolm !
I thought there is a tirck i miss.
anyway above,
there is work around if someone will tackle the same issue.
(just one should make sure the output is 32bit float) .